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Creating a Solid Foundation: Crafting Your LLC's Operating Agreement

By: Jack Nicholaisen author image
Business Initiative

How to Write an Operating Agreement for your Limited Liability Company

An operating agreement is a legal document that outlines the ownership and operating procedures of a limited liability company (LLC).

It is an essential document that every LLC should have.

In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step checklist on how to write an operating agreement for your LLC.

Step 1: Gather Information

Before you start drafting your operating agreement, you need to gather some information.

Make sure you have the following documents on hand:

  • The names and addresses of all the members of your LLC
  • The percentage of ownership of each member
  • The capital contributions of each member
  • The management structure of your LLC
  • The voting rights of each member
  • The distribution of profits and losses

Step 2: Draft the Introduction

The introduction of your operating agreement must include the name of your LLC, the date when it was formed, and the state where it was formed.

You should also include a brief statement about the purpose of your LLC.

Step 3: Define the Ownership Structure

In this section, you should define the ownership structure of your LLC.

This includes the percentage of ownership of each member and the capital contributions of each member.

You should also include information about how profits and losses will be distributed among the members.

Step 4: Define the Management Structure

In this section of your operating agreement, you should define the management structure of your LLC.

This includes information about who will manage the LLC and how decisions will be made.

You should also include information about the voting rights of each member.

Step 5: Define the Dissolution Process

This is the part of your OA where you clearly define the process for dissolving your LLC.

This includes information about how the LLC will be dissolved and how the assets will be distributed among the members.

Step 6: Include Additional Provisions

The last section of your operating agreement includes any additional provisions that are specific to your LLC.

Most people usually include information about how new members can be added to the business, how old members can be removed, and how to resolve disputes between owners.

Step 7: Review and Sign

Once you have drafted your operating agreement, you should review it carefully to make sure that it accurately reflects the ownership and operating procedures of your LLC.

Once you are satisfied with the document, you should have all the members of your LLC sign it.

➤ Need personalized assistance writing your OA? Book a FREE Consultation Today!


Here is a 7-step checklist to help you write your very own operating agreement:

1. Gather information about your LLC

2. Draft the introduction

3. Define the ownership structure

4. Define the management structure

5. Define the dissolution process

6. Include additional provisions

7. Review and sign

We hope that this checklist helps you write an operating agreement for your LLC.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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About the Author

jack nicholaisen
Jack Nicholaisen

Jack Nicholaisen is the founder of After acheiving the rank of Eagle Scout and studying Civil Engineering at Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE), he has spent the last 4 years disecting the mess of informaiton online about LLCs in order to help aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners better understand everything there is to know about starting, running, and growing Limited Liability Companies and other business entities.